
Holleigh’s Health Hints: Arnica Montana is more than a pretty flower

Arnica Montana is a striking yellow flower that blooms in the mountainous area of the UK; also known as wolf’s bane, this plant has a variety of uses and health benefits. It has many healing properties, including:

  • Reduces inflammation. Arnica is widely regarded as nature’s top choice for soothing inflammation. Topical application of arnica-infused gel or extracts can target painful spots by reducing swelling, thanks to the organic compounds in the flower. It’s also a good choice for soft-tissue injuries, like sprains, strains, bruises, sore muscles, and fractures, to speed up the recovery process.
  • It’s a pain reliever. The flower works as an analgesic, to relieve topical pain all over the body, though it should never be applied directly on an open wound. It works by stimulating the body’s healing process, without the risks associated with prescribed medicine.
  • Promotes hair health. In addition to helping reduce dandruff, Arnica is also a powerful tool for baldness. The plant can strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair loss when mixed with shampoos.
  • Boosts skin health. Arnica does wonders for skin, from all angles. It’s a moisturizer (when mixed with creams or carrier oils), helps to heal bruises quickly, and has antimicrobial properties that tackle skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis.

You will find Arnica Montana in this month’s Wellness Warrior Special, if you choose the Kneipp Healing Massage.